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Code of Ethics

The key pillars of the Code of Conduct are;

Observance of this Code: A Sugar Cane Growers Fund (SCGF) official has a duty to conduct himself or herself in accordance with this Code and therefore to keep him or herself informed of its provisions and any amendments.

This code of conduct applies to the Board of Directors, Management, Staff, Causal Workers, Consultants and/ or whom SCGF Determines.

Integrity: Being straightforward, honest and truthful in all professional and business relationships. You should not be associated with any information that you believe contains a materially false or misleading statement, or which is misleading by omission.

Objectivity- Not allowing bias, conflict of interest or the influence of other people to override your professional judgment and the interest of the SCG.

Professional Competence and Due care. An ongoing commitment to level of professional knowledge and skill and in decision making an official should act lawfully and exercise his or her discretionary powers impartially, considering only relevant matters.

Conflict of Interest: Must take reasonable steps to avoid, resolve or disclose any conflict of interest, financial or non-financial.

The Conflict of interest to be advised to the Executive Assistant or Board Human Resource Officer who will keep a register and such register will be tabled to the Board once in a year with December Board reporting or as deemed necessary.

Improper Advantage and Misuse of Official Position: The official should never take undue advantage of his or her position for his or her private interest.

Confidentiality: An official has a duty to treat appropriately, with all necessary confidentiality and must undertake, not to use any information obtained during his or her official duties to gain a direct or indirect personal advantage or upon resignation, retirement or dismissal from office.

An official should only disclose information in accordance with the rules and requirements set out by   or law requires doing so.

Gifts and Benefits: An official must not solicit, encourage or accept gifts, benefits or favors either for himself or herself or for another person in connection with performing or not performing his or her official duties.

Any such gifts in the event offered must be disclosed, brought to attention of the Chief Executive Officer prior to its sage to determine whether to be returned and/ or recorded in the Gift Register. Such register to be tabled to the Board annually with December reports or as deemed necessary. No monies to be taken under any circumstances

Political Neutrality: An official should carry out his or her duties in accordance with the constitution and all laws, in house policies and with those lawful instructions and ethical standards, which relate to his or her functions, maintaining political neutrality

Incompatible outside Interests: An official should not engage in any activity or transaction or acquire any position or function, whether paid or unpaid, that is incompatible with or detracts from the proper performance of his or her duties as a public official. Where it is not clear whether an activity is compatible, he or she should seek advice from his or her appointing authority.

Respect for Persons: An official must take all reasonable steps to observe relevant standards of procedural fairness in decisions made by him or her. Such decisions are to be unaffected by bias or irrelevant considerations. An official is to treat everyone with respect, courtesy and in a fair and equitable manner without harassment, victimization or discrimination.

Reporting:  An official who believes he or she is being required to act in a way which is unlawful, improper or unethical or inconsistent with this Code, should seek clarification or comes across that official has unreasonably conducted, should report the matter to the Chief Executive Officer and if the Chief Executive Officer is deemed to be implicated, must be report to the Chairman of the Board.

Such matters will be investigated, and position advised to the complainant and such complainant will be protected for no civil, criminal or disciplinary action.

However, if the person makes complaints which is malicious or for the purpose of discrediting or defaming or reputational damage, or politically motivated or for personal advantage, disciplinary action may be taken against an individual for making malicious or vexatious allegations.

Fund expects co-operation from everyone in conducting themselves in a professional, ethical and socially acceptable manner of the highest standards.

Any one in breach of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination.

Should an employee have doubts about any aspect of the Code of Conduct, they must seek clarification from the Chief Executive Officer /General Manager Operations & Lending.

This policy will be regularly reviewed by Sugar Cane Growers Fund and any necessary changes will be implemented by the Management